Aids for Your Study of the Old Testament
Videos, Maps, Charts, Handouts and Other materials below
scroll all the way to the bottom for helpful books, etc.
You might find this fireside on Keys to Understanding the Old Testament Helpful
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Articles that help in understanding the Old Testament
Keys to making the Old Testament a powerful force in your life
Symbolic Action: a key to understanding the Old Testament
You need to understand the Covenant to understand the Old Testament
Go here for tons more about understanding the Abrahamic Covenant
Seeing God's love and mercy in the Old Testament changes your understanding of it and the Gospel
How a few bits of historical knowledge can open up understanding the Old Testament
Podcasts that will help in understanding the Old Testament
An interview wit Uplift Community of Faith about the Book of Abraham
An interview with "To Whom Shall We Go?" podcast about the Book of Abraham
Interview with Last Dispensation about the Book of Abraham
An interview with Martin Tanner and Religion Today on the Book of Isaiah
Coming soon:
a podcast on the Book of Abraham on Scriptures in a Minute
an episode of Follow Up on byu tv
Helpful Charts or Handouts
Symbolism in the Feast of Weeks
What is the oft referred to "Jereboam's Sin"?
List of Kings and Dynasties in Israel and Judah
List of kings who did right or wrong in the sight of the Lord
The Order of the Chapters in Jeremiah-corrected
jeremiah and 2 kings readings correlated
Jeremiah's symbolic actions that serve as prophecy
Ezekiel's symbolic actions that serve as prophecy
Helpful Videos
A Lecture on Old Testament descriptions of seeing God
A Lecture on the Book of Ruth, Covenant and Redemption
A Lecture on Latter-day Saint struggles with modern idolatry
Old Testament Video Series
Many years ago, for my classes on the Old Testament, I created a series of videos for my students. The purpose was to help them get some of the history, geography and archaeology outside of class so we could have larger and more important discussions in class. At the time I only had software that could do five minute videos, so often a topic is broken up into several short videos. They are amateur and hokey, and I know more now than I did then. Still, they convey some helpful information, so I thought I would share them here for those who might find them helpful.
Abraham Video 1
Abraham Video 2
Abraham Video 3
Abraham Video 4
Abraham Video 5
Jacob Video 1
Jacob Video 2
Jacob Video 3
Exodus Route and Wandering in the Wilderness 1
Exodus Route and Wandering in the Wilderness 2
In the Wilderness and Trans-Jordan 1
In the Wilderness and Trans-Jordan and Balaam, 2
In the Wilderness, end of Numbers, some Deuteronomy, 3
Summary of Deuteronomy
Joshua and Conquest 1
Joshua and Conqeust 2
David 1.1 (1 Samuel 16-24)
David 1.2 (1 Samuel 16-24)
David 2.1 (1 Samuel 25 - 2 Samuel 7)
David 2.2 (1 Samuel 25 - 2 Samuel 7)
David 3.1 (2 Samuel 8-23)
David 3.2 (2 Samuel 8-23)
David 3.3 (2 Samuel 8-23)
David 3.4 (2 Samuel 8-23)
Solomon Video 1.1
Solomon Video 1.2
Solomon Video 1.3
Divided Kingdom Video 1.1 (for when Rehoboam loses much of the kingdom)
Divided Kingdom Video 1.2
Divided Kingdom Video 1.3
Omri Video 1.1
Omri Video 1.2
Omri Video 1.3
Elisha Video 1.1
Elisha Video 1.2
Downfall of Israel 1.1
Downfall of Israel 1.2
Downfall of Israel 1.3
Downfall of Israel 1.4
Downfall of Judah video 1.1
Downfall of Judah video 1.2
Downfall of Judah video 1.3
In this video I accidentally say "Ural Mountains" when I mean the "Zagros Mountains". Sorry about that. What are you going to do with me?
Downfall of Judah video 1.4
Downfall of Judah video 1.5